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Community Belly Dance - 10-09 - Zarifa's Events
October 2009 Community Belly Dance

October 11, 2009: Many of the dancers and troupes at the October Community Dance brought new styles and music, presenting a change in style from traditional belly dance.
After missing a couple scheduled Community Dances due to heavy work load and a very busy summer, Zarifa and company are glad to be back - and the dancers and visitors were looking forward to it as well. The October Community Dance held a full house again at the G Street Bar & Grille in Grant's Pass, Oregon.

Zarifa opened this evenings show with a veil dance, followed by Devi Safir, both in traditional belly dance styles. After that the evening took a different turn with Aisha Aroosh's veil dance to techno - Middle Eastern rhythms, very different than her usual musical backdrop. Katana performed an Isis wings dance to modern hip hop. Students of Ayesha a troupe of three, perfomed a unique synchronized tribal style troupe dance, followed by Isabella with a fan veil dance.
The second set brought Maia Alexandra with a cabaret-jazz fusion dance set to Tom Waits, followed by Taroob with a veil dance. In the spirit of the coming holiday, "Sally" from the Tim Burton film danced in costume. Devi Safir's second set to country music appeared to be a mixture of traditional belly dance and hula.
Zarifa's is looking forward to seeing you all again in December, which is always a fun month for Zarifa's Community Dance. Bring your students!


Full House this Month

Isabella Fan Dance

Devi Safir


Maia Alexandra

Aisha Aroosh Veil Dance

Aisha Aroosh

Katana & Isabella

Second Sunday of alternating months, 5-7 PM
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