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Community Dance - 06-10 - Zarifa's Events
June 2010 Community Belly Dance

June 13, 2010: Zarifa's Community Dance was in full form this month with participation as the theme. There are always entertaining and wonderful solo and troupe performances at the Community Dance, but it has always been Zarifa's intention with the Community Dance to create an environment in which everyone attending gets involved. We were fortunate to have two ladies with Greek backgrounds share Greek dancing with us.

Anita leads the dancers in Greek dancing
You can see in the video it starts off slowly, with just Cecelia and Anita . . . then Zarifa joins in . . . followed by another, then another, and within minutes the dance floor is full, with everyone joining in. It was truly heartwarming to see everyone take part in the dancing, many who wouldn't ordinarily participate in the Community Dance and are just there to watch. There was much more dance around time this month because everyone was having so much fun with it!
Zarifa started off the evening's solo performances with a traditional dance to Karim Nagi's "Everybody Yalla", followed by Taroob, Devi Savir, and Maia Alexandra, who had fun working belly dance into a modern techno/machine music song - and that's what the Community Dance is all about, fun! The first break brought Anita and Cecelia to the floor with a long dance around of Greek dancing to traditional Greek music. At one point a long line of 20 or so formed, hands clasped, dancing off the floor, past the bar, between the tables, and back on the floor again, making several laps around the restaurant, picking up dancers along the way.
The second round started off with Devi Safir, followed by Gypsy Dancers, students of Zarifa, with their second public dance routine. We were having problems with the music skipping throughout the evening, and Gypsy Dancers managed to cover well during one of the "malfunctions", without killing the DJ. Great job ladies!
Next up was Raks Aroosh: Devi Safir, Aisha Aroosh, Taroob, and Marial, with a mesmerizing fusion of belly dance and Spanish dancing. This dance was truly hypnotic, moving from 4/4 rhythms to mysterious slower timed breaks. Zarifa followed with a drum solo, but it wasn't a solo dance; all dancers were invited to the floor to get the feel of dancing with a drum. The evening closed with more Greek dancing an open dance around, filling the dance floor. We look forward to seeing you all in July, bring anyone who wants to dance! Be sure to get your RSVP in early.

Anita and Cecelia leading in Greek dancing


Devi Safir

Maia Alexandra

Raks Aroosh

Gypsy Dancers
Second Sunday of alternating months, 5-7 PM
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